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Buy Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Monoglyceride DATEM CAS 100085-39-0 suppliers price
Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Monoglyceride DATEM CAS 100085-39-0
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  • 품질 표준:

    80%; 100%
  • 포장:

    20kg/carton; 25kg/carton
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  • Manufacturer:

    TNJ Chemical

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Buy Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Monoglyceride DATEM CAS 100085-39-0 from TNJ Chemical, China leading CAS 100085-39-0  Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Monoglyceride DATEM suppliers, factory & manufacturers. If you want to buy DATEM CAS 100085-39-0 from China, please mail to sales@tnjchem.com


Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Ester of Mono- and Diglycerides DATEM is white or light yellow granules. DATEM with emulsification, stability, anti-aging, preservation and so on. Used in bread, cake, cream, hydrogenated vegetable oil, dairy products and other products. It is a good emulsifying agent and dispersant.


Appearance                   White or light yellow granules acetic acid smell

Acid value                     55.00 ~ 80.00mgKOH/g

Saponification value      380.00 ~ 425.00mgKOH/g

Residue on ignition        ≤0.50%

Total Tartaric Acid         10.00 ~ 40.00%

Total Glycerol                11.00 ~ 28.00%

Total Acetic Acid            8.00 ~ 32.00%

Free Glycerol                ≤2.00%

Heavy metals (Pb)        ≤2ppm


DATEM with emulsification, stability, anti-aging, preservation and so on. Used in bread, cake, cream, hydrogenated vegetable oil, dairy products and other products. It is a good emulsifying agent and dispersant.

1) It can effectively enhance the dough flexibility, toughness and gas holding capacity, reduce the degree of dough weakening. Increase the bread, bread volume, improve the organizational structure.

2) Interact with amylose, delay and prevent the aging of food.

3) Used for fresh cream, can make the products smooth and exquisite.

4) Used for butter and concentrated butter, prevent oil precipitation, improve stability.

5) It can also be used for sugar and syrup and spices.

6) Used for the latex can make the product emulsion uniform stability, delicate taste.


20kg or 25kg per carton or as per customer’s requirements

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      Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Monoglyceride DATEM CAS 100085-39-0
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