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Fluazuron CAS 86811-58-7 suppliers
Fluazuron CAS 86811-58-7
  • CAS:

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  • 포장:

    25kg/fibre drum
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  • Manufacturer:

    TNJ Chemical

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Buy Fluazuron CAS 86811-58-7, a chemical intermediate for Fluazuron from TNJ Chemical, China leading Fluazuron suppliers, factory & manufacturers. If you want to buy Fluazuron, please mail to sales@tnjchem.com

Fluazuron CAS 86811-58-7 is a white powder, Soluble in water. Used for Antiparasite.



Appearance:           White powder

Content, %:            ≥98.0

Loss on drying, %:  ≤0.5

Solubility,:              0.02 mg/l


Antiparasite, tick development inhibitor, insecticide, insect/acarine development inhibitor.

Use in cattle is for the control of Boophilus microplus.



25kg/fibre drum,total 9 MT per 20ft container with pallets

Safety & Storage & Handling

Stored in a clean, cool and ventilated place. It should be protected from moisture, rain and damage during storage and transportation, and should not be mixed with other items.

* Please refer to MSDS for more information about Safety, Storage and Transportation.


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      Fluazuron CAS 86811-58-7
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